Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is a very difficult disease. Unlike other cancers which can be detected years before further damage is done, usually pancreatic cancer can’t be determined until symptoms appear. And when the symptoms of pancreatic cancer appear, usually the disease has become very serious… so serious that a person may die. Yet, if a person does appear to have symptoms of pancreatic cancer, they should still seek medical intervention, as there are still people that survive the condition. This article will discuss the most common symptoms of pancreatic cancer, based on those that are the least suspicious to those that are much more serious.

The symptoms of pancreatic cancer that may not indicate a problem to the victim include: weight loss, abdominal pain and nausea. If a person has these symptoms of pancreatic cancer, they may think they have another less serious condition, if they suspect they have anything. For example, weight loss is very common individuals who are trying to make an effort to shed the pounds, whether it’s through dieting or exercise. Abdominal pain could be confused for a simple bout of bad gas. And nausea could be viewed as being a symptom of a flu or another relatively minor illness.

After the ‘lesser’ symptoms of pancreatic cancer, comes a symptom that is much more serious, though could still be indicative of a less problematic condition. This symptom of pancreatic cancer is known as jaundice. With jaundice, an individual gets ‘yellowed’ pigmentation of their skin and the whites of their eyes. The reason behind this is because the body is not able to rid itself of bilirubin, a substance that is produced by blood cells that are wearing down. When a person doesn’t have pancreatic cancer, bilirubin can be excreted through bile. However, for those who do have pancreatic cancer, the bile gets constricted, since the tumor blocks the areas in which it would normally flow. However, it should be noted that phenomenon of jaundice doesn’t have to be a symptom of pancreatic cancer. In fact, according to Wrong Diagnosis, jaundice can be the result of 279 conditions, many of which are not as lethal as pancreatic cancer.

Lastly, there is the more advanced symptom of pancreatic cancer in which a person gets gastrointestinal bleeding. If the lesser symptoms of pancreatic cancer doesn’t get one to feel compelled to the doctor, gastrointestinal bleeding probably will. In fact, it is this symptom of pancreatic cancer that might result to an immediate trip to the Emergency Room, since internal bleeding can be a life-threatening condition. Yet, as serious as gastrointestinal bleeding is, even it can be misdiagnosed for other conditions.

In conclusion, the symptoms of pancreatic cancer range from being the least serious, to an intermediate level of seriousness to finally, very serious. Yet all of these symptoms of pancreatic cancer, even those that don’t seem to be as harmful, indicate that the pancreatic cancer has progressed to a dangerous level. However, don’t give up hope. There are some types of pancreatic cancer that can be removed through surgery or other intervention. You will not know if your pancreatic cancer will beat the odds until you take the trip to the doctor.

About John

Pancreatic cancer campaigner

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